Apr 16 2012
Forum and v.1.4 version
Thanks to awesome phpBB forum engine i was able to get a working forum up pretty fast.
Now you can feel free to post any questions, suggestions or some other matter there!
Also i should say that due to some massive library improvements to create an actually stable version i have postponed next release, but it will be there.
In next version will be added full RTL support, Β some more components styling, lots of fixes and speed improvements and a few other sweet features for Swing π
Stay tuned for updates!
Aug 01, 2012 @ 17:41:26
Can’t thank you enough.
I think Web Look and Feel is the best ever Custom look and feel.
Keep up your good work.
Aug 01, 2012 @ 17:53:34
I hope WebLaF will get much better soon enough and will be able to compete with old & famous LaFs π
Anyways, getting back to your question – i have just committed a small update that allows a quick fonts change at application startup (before LaF is set).
Here is an example of how you can change all fonts at once:
If you check public WebLookAndFeel constants you will see lots of other font-constants like buttonFont, sliderFont, treeFont, textAreaFont and others – you can change them separately. Global constants will be applied only to those fonts that weren’t set. That means you can assign fonts like this without any problems:
in this case all fonts except buttonFont will be “Comic Sans MS”-styled.
If you are using source library version (from Google Code project) – just update it from SVN, otherwise you can download this dev build i have just uploaded to site.
Demo application is not included – its a “clean” library version that is ready-to-use.
Jul 31, 2012 @ 17:12:14
I have a question regarding fonts.I am using dynamic fonts in my application and Web look and feel is showing Dialog’ font instead of Malayalam dynamic font(Malayalam is an Indian language).Will you please help me?
Jul 31, 2012 @ 18:03:07
WebLookAndFeel indeed uses default fonts from standard java class BasicLookAndFeel which are: Font.DIALOG, Font.SERIF, Font.SANS_SERIF and Font.MONOSPACED.
I guess its a good idea to allow easy font styles replacement without getting deep into LookAndFeel properties – i will add it soon and commit into Google Code project sources.
For now you can replace stndard UI properties with your own font like this:
You can see full UI constants list by simply looking through BasicLookAndFeel class that is contained in any JDK. Look for “.font” and you will find what you need π
I will add a comment right when font replacement feature will be available in Google Code project sources.
Aug 05, 2012 @ 19:59:08
i got it..