Source code repository


I have finally moved WebLaF dev-version code to Google Code project repository, so from now on you can access the new upcoming features even before the release!

 – Here you can find the WebLaF project:

– And here is the source:

– To check out the project use either this command:
svn checkout weblookandfeel-read-only

– or this address as the SVN repository in your IDE or SVN client:

Note that dev-version unlike the stable release versions might have some critical bugs in it.
In case you find one – you can inform me about it anytime.


About 1.4 version…

I am still (yeh, already a few months) working on it, but it will be released this week.
Pretty possible that 1.4 version will get a few post-updates in case some bugs will still be there

I will post full updates and new features list together with the release, don’t miss it!