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Here You can find some of the answers on questions i got frequently asked.

If You still got an unanswered question – You can contact me directly and ask it or just leave a comment on this page.


1. What is this site about?

This site (or blog) is a “big description” to WebLookAndFeel library. It was created to improve default ugly Swing components style and provide additional components and features.


2. What is Java/LookAndFeel/Swing?

If You don’t know what is that even, i guess it is a wrong place for You. But if You re trying to learn Java at the moment i can suggest You reading this official tutorial about Swing, UIs and Graphics.


3. Is this library already used somwhere?

Yes, in two totally different projects of mine.
You can read more about them here.


4. Where can i download it?

You can find library distribution with or without sources on “Download” page.


5. What about library licensing?

Library is available under GPL license for free open-source projects. To use it for proprietary software you will have to buy another commercial license.

You can read more about licensing here.


6. Are there any guarantees that library will be completed?

Yes, there are (many actually):

First of all – library will be completed since it is the base for GUI Machine 2 commercial project which release is coming next year. Also it is already used in first GUI Machine version.

Also – license will be paid for commercial use and this will bring us some profits, so its not just an “act of free will” to release it or not.

And finally – library is already (even in pre-alpha state) used in two projects and has proven its usefulness. So it will be supported from now on as a part of few applications aswell.


7. When it will be released?

Alpha release is already available for download – You can try it out right away!
You can also find more information about versions and releases there.


8. How can i contact library developer?

I am the developer and i am supporting this site aswell.
There is a separate page with my different contacts.


9. What are the system requirements?

– To use this library in Your application You will have to use JVM 1.6 update 20 and later for its proper functioning
– Library is fully cross-platform meaning it looks and acts the same on any OS where you can launch it with the required JVM version
All used libraries are included in WebLookAndFeel.jar so You don’t need to drag a bunch of libraries with You all the time if You need just a few features
– Library does not require any extra memory resources and can easily run on minimum settings like “-Xms16m -Xmx16m”
– Library takes about 50-100 milliseconds for initialization and is optimized to run on slow computers so it won’t affect Your application speed
– If its needed all additional or needless effects like animation can be easily switched off by assigning a few style settings


10. How to use WebLookAndFeel in my application?

You can find a detailed description on WebLookAndFeel library usage in this section.


Tip: In future i will add some more questions and answers to this list based on Your questions about the library and site.


  1. Syed Ammar
    Aug 31, 2015 @ 22:50:10

    How can i remove shadow from jframe while using weblaf decorated windows … I want to make my Jframe open position as maximized but Shadow of Jframe stop to get full screen size.

    • Mikle
      Sep 01, 2015 @ 17:41:16

      In current pre-release v1.29 version you can provide various custom window decoration settings into WebRootPaneStyle class static fields.

      To remove shadow specifically you need to make it zero-sized:
      WebRootPaneStyle.shadeWidth = 0;
      Make sure to call this before initializing the decorated frame/dialog.

  2. Ichroman Raditya Duwila
    Feb 09, 2015 @ 03:33:41

    Oh thanks Mikle! I’ve been searching the best Java Look And Feel to make my application looks beautiful and finally i found WebLaF. Actually someone already suggest me to try this LaF but I just try this right now.

    Bigthanks to you Mikle! And sorry for my bad English too 😀


  3. Adi
    Apr 09, 2014 @ 07:43:31

    To the point,
    Firstly.. i would say really awesome library.. good work.. 🙂
    I want to ask you, i have a button make from drag and drop GUI design in NetBeans wich variable name of the button is jButton1.
    How can i make the button which use WebLaf look and feel and use setUndecorated(true) ?
    I’ve found all of your source code tutorial to make one component was made by coding, in my case, i make a component by using drag and drop GUI design.
    Thank you.
    Sorry for my bad english before.

    • Mikle
      Apr 21, 2014 @ 19:38:43

      Unfortunately i cannot help with NetBeans GUI Designer – you should try looking for a manual about how custom component fields can be modified from the editor in runtime (and whether or not it is possible).

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