Package com.alee.managers.hotkey

Interface Summary
ButtonHotkeyMethods This interface provides a set of methods that should be added into button components.
HotkeyCondition User: mgarin Date: 09.10.12 Time: 13:22
HotkeyMethods This interface provides a set of methods that should be added into components that might have some kind of hotkeys.
HotkeyRunnable This interface allows you to create action for hotkey events which can be used together with HotkeyManager methods.

Class Summary
ButtonHotkeyRunnable User: mgarin Date: 30.11.12 Time: 17:15
Hotkey This interface provides list of predefined dotkeys which can be easily used to setup any hotkey through WebLaF HotkeyManager system or through standard Web-component methods.
HotkeyData Single hotkey settings description class.
HotkeyInfo User: mgarin Date: 11.07.11 Time: 12:57
HotkeyManager This manager allows you to quickly register global hotkeys (like accelerators on menu items in menubar menus) for any Swing component.