Package com.alee.managers.language

Interface Summary
LanguageConstants Languages supported by WebLaF inteface by default.
LanguageContainerMethods This interface provides a set of methods that should be added into containers that might contain translateable components.
LanguageKeyListener Specific language key changes listener.
LanguageListener This listener is used to determine language and dictionary changes in LanguageManager.
LanguageMethods This interface provides a set of methods that should be added into components that has translateable text and support translation.
TooltipLanguageSupport Interface for any custom component tooltip providers.

Class Summary
LanguageAdapter Custom LanguageListener adapter.
LanguageManager This manager allows you to quickly setup changeable lanugage onto different components and to listen to application-wide language change events.
LanguageUpdaterComparator Special comparator for sorting LanguageUpdaters list.
LM This is short-named reference class for some basic LanguageManager methods.
SwingTooltipLanguageSupport Swing tooltips language support.
WeblafTooltipLanguageSupport Swing and WebLaF tooltips language support.
WebLanguageManager Minor additions over core LanguageManager.