Package com.alee.utils.laf

Interface Summary
PainterShapeProvider<E extends Component> This interface provides a single method for requesting painted component shape.
ShadeProvider This interface provides method for requesting component shade settings.
ShapeProvider This interface provides a single method for requesting shape.
Styleable This interface must be implemented by components and UIs which support styling through WebLaF skins.

Class Summary
Line This class represents a simple line data.
ShapeProducer User: mgarin Date: 12/2/11 Time: 12:59 PM
WeblafBorder Special border used by WebLaF to provide proper component content sides spacing.
WebShapeProducer User: mgarin Date: 12/6/11 Time: 3:52 PM

Enum Summary
FocusType Component focus types.
ShadeType Component shade types.