Package com.alee.utils.swing

Interface Summary
BorderMethods This interface provides a set of methods that should be added into components or UIs that support custom WebLaF borders.
ButtonGroupListener User: mgarin Date: 23.04.12 Time: 13:50
Customizer<T> This interface allows you to create customizer for objects of any type.
DataProvider<T> This interface provides a single method for data request of any type.
DataRunnable<T> Custom runnable that recieves data of custom type into run method.
DialogOptions This interface represents various dialogs return options.
FontMethods<C extends Component> This interface provides a set of methods that should be added into components that support font and uses that font to render.
OrientationMethods<C extends Component> This interface provides a set of methods that should be added into components that support orientation changes.
PopupListener Basic listener for any popup.
SizeMethods<C extends Component> This interface provides a set of methods that should be added into components that support custom size methods.
StateProvider<T> This interface provides a single method for boolean state request for data of any type.
SwingMethods This interface is extended by all interfaces that provide custom methods for multiply Web-components.
WindowMethods<W extends Window> This interface provides a set of methods that should be added into components that support custom window methods.

Class Summary
AncestorAdapter Adapter to support notification when changes occur to a JComponent or one of its ancestors.
CellEditorAdapter Adapter class for Swing CellEditorListener.
ComponentUpdater This class allows you to install (and uninstall if needed) component updater to any JComponent quickly without any additional coding, which allows you to add optimized rolling updates for the component from the added ActionListeners.
ConditionalVisibilityListener This listener allows a quick creation of component visibility change action on any focus changes.
DefaultFileFilterListCellRenderer Custom list and combobox cell renderer for file filters data.
DocumentChangeListener Special document listener that only notifies about occured changes.
EmptyMouseAdapter This class provides an empty mouse adapter.
EnumLazyIconProvider Special class for simple and lazy enum icons retrieval.
EventPump Event pump for modal frame.
IntDocumentChangeListener DocumentChangeListener extension that informs about integer value changes.
IntTextDocument Custom document for integer-value only fields.
LimitedDocument Plain document limited by characters number.
PopupMenuAdapter Simple adapter class for PopupMenuListener.
StringDocumentChangeListener DocumentChangeListener extension that informs about string value changes.
SwingLazyValue SwingLazyValue is a copy of ProxyLazyValue that does not snapshot the AccessControlContext or use a doPrivileged to resolve the class name.
TimerActionListener Small extension for ActionListener to simplify timer usage.
UnselectableButtonGroup User: mgarin Date: 15.06.11 Time: 15:48
WebDefaultCellEditor<C extends JComponent> User: mgarin Date: 31.10.12 Time: 16:24
WebHeavyWeightPopup Custom extension that makes use of Swing heavy-weight popup.
WebTimer This timer is a small extension for standart javax.swing.Timer.
WindowFollowAdapter This listener allows you to quickly attach one window to another window.
ZOrderComparator Component Z-order comparator.

Enum Summary
FadeStateType This enumeration represents possible fade animation states.
MouseEventType This enumeration represents various mouse events.
WebTimer.PartType Time part type enumeration used to parse string delay.
WebTimerType Additional custom timer timing options.

Exception Summary