WebLaF is available under GPLv3 license for any non-commercial open-source projects. Commercial license is available as an alternative option and intended for closed-source and/or commercial projects. It removes restrictions dictated by GPLv3 license and can either be used for a single or any amounts of projects, depending on the commercial license sub-type.
I know how much frustration license policies could cause, that is why here is a short compilation of restrictions of each available WebLaF license:
- GPLv3 license [ weblaf-gpl.txt ]
- Unlimited amount of non-commercial open-source projects
- Unlimited amount of developers working with your non-commercial open-source projects
- Unlimited amount of end-user distributions of your non-commercial open-source projects
- Full access to complete library source code
- Free updates to all newer minor and major versions
- Free support via GitHub, Gitter and [e-mail](
- Cannot use in any commercial projects
- Cannot create any commercial derivative projects
- Single-application commercial license [ weblaf-commercial.txt ]
- Single commercial closed-source project
- Unlimited amount of developers working with your commercial project
- Unlimited amount of end-user distributions of your commercial project
- Full access to complete library source code
- Free updates to all newer minor and major versions
- Prioritized support via GitHub, Gitter and e-mail
- Can only be used in one of your commercial closed-source project
- Cannot create any commercial derivative L&F libraries
- Multi-application commercial license [ weblaf-commercial.txt ]
- Unlimited amount of commercial closed-source projects
- Unlimited amount of developers working with your commercial project(s)
- Unlimited amount of end-user distributions of your commercial project(s)
- Full access to complete library source code
- Free updates to all newer minor and major versions
- Prioritized support via GitHub, Gitter and e-mail
- Cannot create any commercial derivative L&F libraries
Commercial license can be purchased from this page. You can also contact me directly through e-mail for other payment options.
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Jun 28, 2017 @ 20:45:22
Hy Mikle,
I’m working on a non-commercial closed source project. I’m planning to provide webLaF beside other L&Fs, distributed within a single jar.
Which license works for me?
Aug 04, 2017 @ 12:06:31
I think I did send you detailed information, but once again shortly: It depends on how your project will be handled. If you are going to share it with anyone without providing source code (even if its non-commercial project) then unfortunately free open-source license won’t work for you and you will need one of the commercial ones.
Feb 11, 2016 @ 11:33:56
Possibly you should consider having a ‘make a donation’ option for those of us using the software under open source licensing.
It all helps to keep the lights on and I’m sure there are many a developer who are happy to contribute to excellent projects such as this. Keeping the project running and fully supported helps all of us.
Feb 11, 2016 @ 18:27:51
I was thinking about it once, but it seems to be unethical (at least for me) to have commercial version and accept donations at the same time. People who would actually pay for the commercial version will get more freedoms, but those who will simply donate will not get any advantages which would be unfair. So there was a choice between two models and I decided to stick with the commercial one – it does two things: it gives some level of confidence to WebLaF users that the library will not be shut down tomorrow or next month and also gives me some level of knowledge about whether or not there is a demand for this kind of product in a commercial sector (from what I’ve seen so far – there certainly is) which is important for the future of the project.
But anyway, thanks for the positive feedback!
And I hope you will like the changes coming with v1.29 update 🙂
Aug 20, 2014 @ 20:54:04
This library is great. It is versatile and in my opinion the best I’ve seen.
I am developing an application to sell it to another company (executable only, does not include source code) using the components of this library, but not modifying it or anything. I want to know the conditions for their use; if I have to pay license or if the terms of GPLv3 gratis..esto not get it either, since I’m starting in this programming ..
I would appreciate your prompt reply and advice ..
Thank you ..
Aug 21, 2014 @ 15:24:52
GPLv3 license does allow you to sell your product (which is written under GPLv3 or simply using library written under GPLv3, which also forces your code to be compatible with GPLv3 license though) until you follow GPLv3 terms which are basically (omitting lots of details): keep all the code you write open-source and provide it to anyone who wants it by request, that applies even for the case when you are simply using 3rd party library licensed under GPLv3.
These terms are usually unacceptable for commercial projects and that is why there are usually separate commercial licenses available so you don’t have to disclose the source code of your commercial project. Same applies to WebLaF – if you don’t want to disclose the source code of your own application written using WebLaF (even if you do not directly modify WebLaF itself) – you will have to purchase one of two possible commercial WebLaF licenses which will allow you to use it in your closed-source projects legally.
Hope this helps 🙂
Aug 22, 2014 @ 19:35:39
Thanks for the clarification, if so would like to get a license to use the library in closed source projects. How much is the price for the license, and the conditions which are subject aa. Thank you
Aug 24, 2014 @ 19:16:21
Short license conditions are specified on this page:
Prices are also specified there.
You can also read the full license agreement here:
If you need clarification for some license parts – I recommend you to email me:
That will speedup the process 😉
Jan 02, 2014 @ 23:25:34
i like this look and feel very much.
i want build a free program with the creativecommons licenses.
it’s okay to use your Weblookandfeel?I’ll mention you.
Aug 31, 2013 @ 12:26:05
Hi, just few hours ago I gone through the look and feel and I’m very glad that such a beauty exists in Java Universe. Thanks for providing such a beautiful support. I saw this is open source project and available to download from Git Hub. I had no time to check whether I can contribute or not, but if yes then I would like to contribute my invention with such mighty L&F.
Aug 31, 2013 @ 13:41:27
Thanks 🙂
And ofcourse you can cotribute using GitHub pull requests for example.
Aug 02, 2013 @ 10:02:26
Great UI. I have a question, Can I use it for commercial purpose and distribute source code with using GPLv3 license. you have mentioned GPLv3 is for non-profitable projects only? is that true?
In short can I use this for commercial purpose, along with source code?
Aug 02, 2013 @ 11:06:47
Yeh, the description was a bit outdated and wrong – i have fixed it. You can use WebLaF even in a commercial project if it is compatible with GPLv3 license (which basically means that it is fully open-source).
Jul 12, 2013 @ 00:17:25
Nice UI. Like it. Didn’t test it yet. I have just one question. Can I use it to make an internal application for my company? We need application which it will be used with no more than 10 people only in the company. The application will read files from internal network drive from the company. I was wondering should we buy a license since we are not going to commercialize the project?
Jul 12, 2013 @ 10:47:28
You can use it for free unless you will share this application with someone.
Then you will have to either open its source code or buy a commercial license.
Jan 23, 2013 @ 19:32:07
WoW, awesome Look and Feel. Its my favorite ;). Also thanks for making it available for free. Do I have to make the source of my application open to use it?
Jan 23, 2013 @ 19:46:27
Shortly – yes.
Under GPLv3 terms you have to provide your application source code to whoever uses it or asks for it.
So, basically, GPLv3 forces you to make your software open-source.
Feb 24, 2013 @ 09:31:54
Now what if the application using web look and feel is non-profitable. Does it still need to be open source?
Feb 25, 2013 @ 20:23:36
Depends on the specific case. You might create an application using GPL library for your own usage – then you don’t have to open any source code to anyone.
In case there is anyone else except you who uses your application – yes, you will have to provide source code to him (atleast in case he actually requests it).
You can read this FAQ for more understandable examples:
Dec 05, 2012 @ 19:58:16
You are Awesome… Thanks for releasing your look and feel for free for open source projects… Your Web look and feel is stunning… This is going to help my College mini project…
Dec 06, 2012 @ 08:59:26
Thanks! 🙂