Since new versions takes pretty much time to finish and assemble i have decided to populate the project roadmap, so you will know what going to be added or modified first (aside from the critical bug fixes – they are always top-priority).
1. WebFileChooserUI implementation and WebFileChooser component (done: 05 Aug 2013)
This is now a top-priority thing to be done, with file chooser L&F will be fully complete.
Though its not the last thing that is needed for a stable release.
2. WebDockingPane and WebDockableFrame components
This component might be useful for many kinds of applications and it will be available after the file chooser.
3. PopupManager
Complete popup manager will bring more options for WebPopup component usage.
4. StylesManager
Styles manager will unify all styles managment.
It will allow you to easily modify and apply styles for specific components or the whole L&F.
5. More painters support in component UIs
There is still a lot of components which doesn’t support painters: checkbox, radiobutton, combobox, table, tree, breadcrumb and others.
I am going to add a lot of new features and full styling support through painters for them.
6. WebTreeTable component
One of most popular components that you won’t find in default Swing.
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Nov 21, 2013 @ 22:24:55
I have a feeling WebLaF is going out of the scope… Well, it already is far outside the scope of a L&F package, so my question is – any plans to split project into packages, because sometimes I just want L&F and do not want to use too many extra dependencies.
Example is the planned docking framework – I will probably never use it as there is already an amazing, libre, Docking Frames toolkit available.
PS. just to clarify – I really like WebLaf! 🙂
Nov 22, 2013 @ 11:52:53
Well, it was out of the simple L&F scope from the beginning, but i don’t think that is a bad thing about WebLaF – the base idea was about that addition to L&F that brings a lot of improvements atop of standard Swing. For example i cannot imagine how i would create a new large Swing application without WebLaF – i would simply waste like three times more time to develop it. And there is still a lot of things to be done and to be improved.
Yes yes, i know that there is a lot of people who is looking for a pretty L&F just to use it as a simple theme for their existing application, but unfortunately i cannot satisfy everyone at once. WebLaF project is basically something like a hobby and sometimes i simply don’t have enough free time to do all the required/requested features. I really want to clean the mess in the code, separate the library parts, implement major UIs performance improvements, add more custom components and to do lots of other things. But if that takes months to do – i would rather deal with other more important things first.
Anyway, answering the initial question – yes, I was thinking about splitting WebLaF into a few parts – base L&F, extended components library and themes package (for StyleManager). It will simplify L&F and separate it from other features, make it lightweight and fast. But at the current library state that will require A LOT of work, so i doubt i will make it this year along with the other planned features and improvements.
And about the docking framework – i might not add all possible features, but i will with time, so might become even better than other existing docking frameworks. Also remember that it will have proper WebLaF styling 🙂
Jun 30, 2014 @ 22:56:04
A bit of necroposting here – WebLaF was already split into three parts and most probably will be split even more to separate extended components pack from the L&F and core. So in case you are still waiting for the light WebLaF version – that moment might become reality soon 🙂
Oct 07, 2013 @ 12:17:20
Is there any ETA on the StylesManager because if you implement that i will try and get the company i work for to use this look and feel because it will save us allot of time.
Oct 07, 2013 @ 12:51:02
I really want to get my hands on it, but i need to finish some of basic UI upgrades so that they can actually be styleable which will take some time. I have almost finished with menus (will release an update today/tomorrow) and i still have a few components to be done, the most complicated one is tabbed pane.
So i guess it will take at least month or two to do everything that is needed for StyleManager, unluckily i cannot say more precise time.
Oct 08, 2013 @ 10:10:05
Ah ok thanks will subscribe to the git repo and blog and will come back frequently thanks mate.
May 19, 2013 @ 11:34:17
Hi Mikle,
previously there was a detailed roadmap where i used to track the bugs with RTL. is it still remembered since i didn’t put all of bugs in the forum.
May 20, 2013 @ 00:37:34
Yep, i remember all the bugs with RTL and will be fixing them. Its just that some of them requires restructurization which i am slowly performing in each UI and component class.
I removed the detailed list due to its update problems – i waste too much time to keep it up to date. You will now see the approximate roadmap on the site and the detailed changelist could be found in each commit notice here:
May 20, 2013 @ 07:17:46
great thanks
Apr 27, 2013 @ 17:28:32
Use dialog and frame window decorations, if switch to Chinese IME, input pinyin will cause the entire page to bleach
Apr 28, 2013 @ 01:40:39
Could you provide some code example with the problem or atleast a screenshot so i could understand where the problem comes from?