Aug 13 2012
Roadmap & build
Project roadmap
Since new versions takes pretty much time to finish and assemble i have decided to populate upcoming versions roadmap and keep it updated. This roadmap is much more specific than just some abstract “future plan” and it contains all of the features/bugs/improvements i am going to finish before the final version release. Roadmap might also be modified several times to include or exclude some of the changes depending on the situation. All changes marked with GREEN might be found in project sources even before the final release.
ANT build script
To make source code comfortable to use i have added ANT build script into the project which has 6 targets:
- Build WebLookAndFeel.jar
- Build
- Build WebLookAndFeel_demo.jar
- Build NinePatchEditor.jar
- Run WebLookAndFeel_demo.jar
- Run NinePatchEditor.jar
Using them you can build exactly the same libraries/packages i am uploading to this site when new version is released.
You can read an extended “how to build” description in FAQ forum topic here: