Branch “styling”


I have added a temporary project branch styling on GitHub WebLaF project page – almost all new changes are added there right now. This branch contains changes required to enable styling support for all existing components. It isn’t stable right now and might even be uncompilable sometimes, but as soon as I finish adding modifications it will be merged into the master branch and I will finally be able to release v1.29 update.

I was going to postpone a lot of those changes and release only small chunks one by one but that would force me to add even more workarounds for older parts of the code. So I have finally decided to finish it in one sweep. Originally this was the goal of v1.40 release, but it is coming sooner than expected. Some improvements will still be made on the way to v1.40 release, but the main part will be added in v1.29 update and it won’t be a simple preview – it will be fully working styling system.

So let me go into some specifics of changed you can expect…
