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You can buy a commecial WebLookAndFeel library license for single or multi applications through PayPal here. That license entitles you to distribute library with your application without disclosing the source code. There is no functional differences between commercial and non-commercial versions.

There are two types of commercial licenses available – Single Application license and Multi Application license. You can read more about the difference between available licenses here: Licensing

Both commercial licenses provide prioritized support which includes help with any questions or problems, bug fixes and critical library updates in shortest possible time. Addition of new features by request is possible, but those features (unless already planned) will most probably not be implemented quickly, but will instead be planned for future updates.


You can purchase WebLaF license through PayPal:

Wired transfer

You can contact me at mgarin@alee.com and specify your contacts and which license type you would like to purchase – I’ll send you an invoice for a wired transfer as soon as possible.


  1. Jefferson
    Mar 16, 2016 @ 23:49:23

    amigo, excelente LAF una consulta como puedo hacer para que se maximice la ventana sin que me deje un margin
    espero tu respuesta, desde ya muchas gracias

    • Jefferson
      Mar 16, 2016 @ 23:51:06

      perdon, la ventana a la que me refiero es un JFrame , utilizo la siguiente linea
      prs.setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH); y de hecho me mazimiza la ventana pero quisiera que el maximizado sea total

      • Mikle
        Mar 18, 2016 @ 03:49:09

        Good day, unfortunately I don’t understand Spanish and Google translate doesn’t give me a proper translation of your question. Could you repeat it in English? 🙂

  2. rednoah
    Dec 27, 2015 @ 16:00:58

    The “Buy Now” button seems to redirect to Paypal in Russian language. Probably best to force English checkout page for everyone. 😉

    • Mikle
      Dec 28, 2015 @ 13:56:46

      This is pretty strange as it should display your country-related page by default. Thanks for reporting though, i’ll see what I can do about it.

    • Mikle
      Dec 28, 2015 @ 14:07:08

      PayPal doesn’t really say about it anywhere but it actually does redirect everyone to seller country -related page. I found a solution for this so it should now redirect everyone to English checkout page 🙂

  3. Alex Fefegha
    Sep 03, 2014 @ 00:55:19


    I am going interested in buying a commercial license, I am currently looking to improve the look & feel of the Spark IM Client – http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/spark/screenshots.jsp to a more modernised look, it’s a bit outdated, would this be possible with web look & feel?

    Kind Regards

    • Mikle
      Sep 03, 2014 @ 12:24:12

      Why shouldn’t it be possible? 🙂

      With minor tuning WebLaF should fit perfectly in your app. Also, aside from L&F, WebLaF also offers various extended Swing components which might also be useful for you – for example WebDocumentPane which is a an advanced JTabbedPane with additional features (like tab closing, splitting, additional tab information etc.), link labels with bound action, text field leading/trailing icons and lots of others.

      Also WebLaF components can be styled with custom painters or even 9-patch images to create your unique UI. You can check out this project that started using WebLaF some time ago and created some really amazing stuff: https://github.com/im-qq/iqq

      • Alex Fefegha
        Sep 04, 2014 @ 02:06:13


        Thank you very much.

        Do you engage in development if someone required your services, do you have any prices?


        • Mikle
          Sep 04, 2014 @ 11:31:46

          If it is unrelated to WebLaF – then in most cases NO since I have lots of other tasks to attend to and such side-development might take a lot of time.

          If it is related to WebLaF (for example some new feature or component or simply help with WebLaF integration) – then probably YES, I might be able to schedule it.

          So as you can see – all depends on specifics of the case 🙂

          • Alex Fefegha
            Sep 04, 2014 @ 14:49:14

            It would be around WebLaF integration with the application.

            • Mikle
              Sep 04, 2014 @ 16:09:39

              It might be possible, I recommend you to contact me directly through email – mgarin@alee.com – and explain some more specifics of this case. That could save up some time 🙂

  4. Anonymous
    Sep 06, 2013 @ 17:12:07

    is it okay to use this for school projects? 🙂

    • Mikle
      Sep 06, 2013 @ 17:41:58

      If it is an open-source project that fits GPLv3 requirements, then yes 🙂

  5. lahcen
    Mar 28, 2013 @ 01:45:55

    im sorry but i have to ask
    if i can use WebLaF in a non comercial appliaction
    without purchasing a Commercial license

    • Mikle
      Mar 28, 2013 @ 22:11:07

      You can use WebLaF in non-commercial application without purchasing a commercial license if your application is compatible with GPLv3 license. Basically that forces your application to be open-source as well.

      And of course if you are not going to share your application with anyone – you don’t need to show the source code anywhere 🙂

  6. keith
    Mar 12, 2013 @ 23:02:32


    I really enjoy your work with the web l&f, it is very beautiful. I have a little question. Let’s I decide to create an app that will be free of charge but that is closed source, do I still need to buy the commercial license? or is it better to create an open-source app under GPL 3?

    Thank you
    Keith l.

    • Mikle
      Mar 13, 2013 @ 14:48:54

      Well, yes – to use WebLaF in any closed-source project you have to buy a commercial license.

      So in case you are working under a free app – just make it open-source under GPL or any GPL-compatible license. This will save you the money and might also help for “advanced” users to find various problems and bugs in your application in future. Community might give a really good development boost 🙂

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