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Any information about Web Look and Feel library licensing changes and updates

Commercial license


You can now purchase WebLookAndFeel library from Buy page through PayPal.

There are two types of license – for single and multi applications.
Both of them grants unlimited tech-support for current major library version.

Don’t miss the chance to enhance Your application!

First alpha-release


Finally its here!

You can download library and its source code from the “Download” page.
This alpha-version is licensed under GPLv3 license.

This release was also announced on Habrahabr.

Check out few example-set screenshots under cut!


Filling up the blog


During next few months i will fill up different categories with latest information about library state and lots of examples on “how to use” any of components and features presented in it.

Since i have already recieved a few feedbacks from interested people i created a standart “FAQ” page for some of them and even a bit more. You might find an answer on Your question there aswell. If not – contact me 🙂

Also stay tuned on the description, examples and download pages updates and don’t miss the first release!