Uses of Class

Packages that use FileElement

Uses of FileElement in com.alee.extended.list

Methods in com.alee.extended.list that return FileElement
 FileElement WebFileListCellEditor.getCellEditorValue(javax.swing.JList list, int index, FileElement oldValue)
          Returns editor value that will replace the specified old value in the model.
 FileElement FileListModel.getElement( file)
          Returns FileElement for the specified file or null if it is not in the list.
 FileElement FileListModel.getElement(java.lang.String path)
          Returns FileElement for the file with specified path or null if it is not in the list.

Methods in com.alee.extended.list that return types with arguments of type FileElement
protected  java.util.List<FileElement> FileListModel.toElementsList([] data)
          Converts File array into FileElement list.
protected  java.util.List<FileElement> FileListModel.toElementsList(java.util.List<> data)
          Converts File list into FileElement list.

Methods in com.alee.extended.list with parameters of type FileElement
protected  WebTextField WebFileListCellEditor.createCellEditor(javax.swing.JList list, int index, FileElement value)
          Creates list cell editor component for the cell nder specified index.
 FileElement WebFileListCellEditor.getCellEditorValue(javax.swing.JList list, int index, FileElement oldValue)
          Returns editor value that will replace the specified old value in the model.
protected  java.awt.Rectangle WebFileListCellEditor.getEditorBounds(javax.swing.JList list, int index, FileElement value, java.awt.Rectangle cellBounds)
          Returns list cell editor bounds within the cell.
 boolean WebFileListCellEditor.isCellEditable(javax.swing.JList list, int index, FileElement value)
          Returns whether list cell under the specified index is editable or not.
protected  void WebFileListCellRenderer.queueThumbnailLoad(FileElement element, boolean disabled)
          Adds specified element into thumbnails queue.
 void WebFileList.repaint(FileElement element)
          Repaints cell with specified element.
 boolean WebFileListCellEditor.updateListModel(javax.swing.JList list, int index, FileElement oldValue, FileElement newValue, boolean updateSelection)
          Returns whether value update operation completed successfully or not.